Medical Disclaimer

The content of this site (Maui Mindbody is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any medical condition, nor serve as a substitute for professional medical advice. The owner is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or healthcare professional. Any information on this site, or services offered, are provided with this explicit disclosure and do not constitute medical advice. Information and services are provided in my professional function as a “life coach,” not as a doctor, physician, care giver, or medical practitioner. You must first see a medical doctor and/or healthcare professional to diagnose any underlying physical or mental pathology. No information on this site is intended to diagnose a medical condition or take the place of your relationship with a licensed healthcare professional. My choice to work with you as a client assumes that you have taken these initial steps with a healthcare professional. If I sense that you need the care of a licensed professional, it is my ethical obligation to decline your business and refer you to a clinic or hospital. Never disregard professional medical advice because of something you have read on Maui Mindbody It is your personal responsibility to seek professional care when necessary.

Pledge of Confidentiality

All client information provided in person or electronically will be treated with the strictest level of confidentiality and will never be released to a third party unless required by law or permitted by a signed statement from you, the client.